Welcome to IPROD

This is the official site of project Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia And Bosnia and Herzegovina, No 530577-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR. This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within TEMPUS IV programme.

Schedules Events:

Budget and cost effectiveness

In order to achieve cost effectiveness numerous of measures will be implemented: organization of larger study visits to each EU university once, instead of several smaller visits with own bus transportation rather than the air planes; combining of several activities within each mobility - every visit have its prime purpose but also other activities will be organized and realized (management activities, trainings, coordination, conferences, quality control, etc.); staff cost is rationale bearing in mind activities number and volume that need to be realized; every deliverable have defined financial inputs but number of them have very small requirements as they would be combined with other, sharing resources from staff, travel and P&P (meetings, promotions, trainings, workshops, fairs,…); equipment purchase will be realized on the base of joint purchase of entrance level – low cost items as they are mainly for student use so the best available price will be achieved; P&P costs are very realistic and rationale compared to number and level of various promotional activities.

Budget for this project is balanced, harmonized among partners and among working packages. Domestic university partners have almost equal share in funds, except increased staff cost for UNI due to significant project tasks. KIT as main partner has higher share compared with other EU partners. Other EU partners are fully balanced among each other with significant share in complete budget. On the other hand, their budget is fully realistic compared to their tasks and obligations.

Delivering a project involves implementing a contract and it is always necessary to meet both the financial requirements of the University/National regulations and also those of the EU/Tempus. Detailed records will be kept which will satisfy both the stringent reporting requirements. The reporting that is required for EU projects will be extensive and will include a detailed financial report.