Welcome to IPROD

This is the official site of project Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia And Bosnia and Herzegovina, No 530577-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR. This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within TEMPUS IV programme.

Schedules Events:

Dissemination and sustainability

Dissemination actions have significant importance for each project. In this project, the activities related to the dissemination starting from the beginning of realization and will continue during its realization and after its completion as improvement of education in the field of IPD is a continuous process which is important to raise the market competitiveness of PC. To achieve the best possible results during project realization and its dissemination, following stakeholders were identified: students of multidisciplinary studies, engineers from industrial enterprises, unemployed persons registered with the National Employment Service and the teachers from colleges of applied sciences.

In dissemination activities, web portal will be developed and maintained. Functions of web portal will be to inform all project participants about achieved results, and to exchange documents and literature between participants and partners of the project. During the project realization, PC universities will work on printing and distribution of promotion material, which will inform community with basic project information. In order to present to education and learning community project results, that have expert or scientific importance, papers will be published at educational conferences and forums. In addition, during the realization of the project it is planned to actively participate in promotions at education and job fairs. PC universities will also distribute promotional material to all target groups in the form of posters, flyers, cd’s etc. An important activity in project dissemination is organization and realization of the workshops where the trainees will demonstrate the quality and benefits of this project education. On that way, information from the personal perspective will come to target groups and attract them to enrol in courses and training, which will have a multiplier effect. Project dissemination will be performed at the project conference where the wider public will be informed in the achieved results of the project.

Beside project dissemination, a very important activity is also their sustainability. Sustainability of the project can be viewed from several aspects. The aspect of academic and institutional sustainability means that new degree programs will be accredited and existing will be modernized and re-accredited, thereby improving education in the field of IPD and securing of financing by the Governments of PC. In addition, the aspect of active cooperation with industry is an important factor in the project sustainability and raising the competitiveness of PC economies. PC universities will establish a network with regional industrial enterprises and choose appropriate strategic partners. In the framework of cooperation with selected strategic partners, organization and realization of courses will be conducted in beneficiary condition, i.e. beneficiary periods and prices. During the project lifetime those courses will be free of charge. Each of the selected partners, through the project dissemination, will impact on target groups, which will interest and finance the training of their employers in the fields of product development upon project end. In order to improve education continuously it is planned to submit project proposals for improving of education of teachers at colleges of applied sciences, as well as to submit project proposals for re-qualification of the unemployed. Since the realization of those courses is financed respectively by the Government, and the whole mechanism of realization of such programs has already been worked out, the sustainability of project results in this segment is almost guaranteed. Beside this and in order to provide project sustainability, a marketing plan for students and national employment service will be written in which will be define an active mechanism for attracting and informing stakeholders.