Welcome to IPROD

This is the official site of project Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia And Bosnia and Herzegovina, No 530577-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR. This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within TEMPUS IV programme.

Schedules Events:

Workshop of Center for Long Life Learning (LLL) of University of Nis

Thursday, 07. May 2015. 10:00 - Thursday, 07. May 2015. 12:30

Center for LLL of University of Nis (link), in the framework of TEMPUS IPROD project, will held Workshop on 7th May 2015 in Room 8. The Workshop agenda can be downloaded from here. The purpose of the Workshop is to present the trainings for industry and unemployed persons, which are developed within the TEMPUS IPROD project.