Welcome to IPROD

This is the official site of project Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia And Bosnia and Herzegovina, No 530577-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR. This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within TEMPUS IV programme.

Schedules Events:

Meeting of Internal Project Management (IPM)

Thursday, 06. June 2013. 17:00

Meeting of Internal Project Management (IPM)

The first meeting of Internal Project Management (IPM) was held at the Institute for Product Development (IPEK) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, from 02nd till 05th June of 2013. Fourteen representatives from 7 partner institutions were present at the meeting.

The main objective of the meeting was beside discussion about general issues of IPROD management to report and analyse activities progress in the previous period and to plan the realization of project activities for the next semi-annual period.

The objectives of the first IPM meeting were successfully achieved and the overall conclusion was that project activities are running without problems and in accordance with the IPROD Application Form.

The minutes from the meeting can be found here, while the gallery of pictures can be found here