Welcome to IPROD

This is the official site of project Improvement of Product Development Studies in Serbia And Bosnia and Herzegovina, No 530577-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR. This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within TEMPUS IV programme.

Schedules Events:

Meeting of representatives of University of Niš and University of Kragujevac

Thursday, 16. May 2013. 18:20

Meeting of representatives of University of Niš and University of Kragujevac

The work package WP1 manager, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dušan Stamenković held a meeting with team responsible for realisation of work package WP1 from University of Kragujevac on 15.05.2013. During the meeting participants of the meeting discussed all the aspects of work package WP1 realisation, especially the plans of University of Kragujevac for introducing/restructuring curriculums in the field of Industrial Product Development. Meeting participants also performed the analysis of data gathered from regional industry regarding the definition of required competences and learning outcomes of curriculums in field of Management of Product Development & Innovations management and Industrial Product Development.

During the next day the representatives of University of Niš, as project coordination institution, discussed the realisation of work package WP3 with its manager Doc. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Blagojević. Meeting participants discussed the business and marketing plan for creating of network with regional industrial enterprises proposed by WP3 manager.